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across platforms 3 - 5
Activator 6 - 3 >
Activator, Anchor 6 - 2
Activator Code 2 - 58- 2 - 60
Activator Function 6 - 3
Activator ID Strings 2 - 9, 2 - 45
Activator Selector 2 - 43- 2 - 45
Activators 6 - 6
Adding Existing HTML Documents 2 - 15
Alias Manager 2 - 55- 2 - 57
Allow Config File 7 - 21
Allow SQL in HTML 7 - 22
Anchor 3 - 1
anchor 6 - 2
Anchor Arguments 2 - 52
Anchors 6 - 2
App Server.Cached Connections Synopsis 7 - 8
App Server.Max Requests 7 - 9
App Server.Timeout 7 - 10
Arguments for EXEC Data Objects 2 - 38


Bind Manager 2 - 66- 2 - 69
Bound Sites 6 - 3
Build Projec 2 - 3
Building libraries 1 - 21
Button Bars 2 - 57


C 3 - 1
C++ 3 - 1
Cached Connections 7 - 8
Cached Connections Synopsis 7 - 14
Callback Structure 9 - 2
Callbacks 6 - 3
CGI 3 - 5, 6 - 2
CGI Executables 8 - 1
CGI Path 7 - 48
CGI URL 7 - 34, 7 - 49
configuring 8 - 8
standalone 8 - 6
Client Libraries 3 - 3
Client Source 1 - 22, 3 - 8
Configuration Files 7 - 3
CGI 8 - 6, 8 - 8
Constructs 6 - 5
create 1 - 21, 3 - 6
Creating a hotlist 6 - 10
Creating a New HTML Document 2 - 16
cross-platform deployment 3 - 5


Daemon 8 - 4
Data Sites 6 - 7
Data Structure 9 - 3
data structure 6 - 5
Database 7 - 52
Database Browser 2 - 18- 2 - 22
Database Login Dialog 2 - 72
Database Name 7 - 35, 7 - 50
Database Server 7 - 36, 7 - 51
Database User Name 7 - 37, 7 - 52
Database User Password 7 - 38, 7 - 53
Database Vendor 7 - 39, 7 - 54
Debugging 5 - 14
Default HTML Extension 7 - 25
Definition of a Style 2 - 16
display results 2 - 52
Document Browser Window 2 - 18
Document Manager 2 - 10, 2 - 17
duplicating text 6 - 5
Dynamic Options 7 - 2


Edit 2 - 4, 2 - 11
Embedded SQL 6 - 14
Error Handling 5 - 13
error, column cannot be null 2 - 39
exec object 2 - 52
executables 8 - 12
exeSuffix 7 - 20


File 2 - 3, 2 - 11, 2 - 20
Files 1 - 22, 3 - 8
Filter Extension 2 - 15
Form 3 - 1
Form Arguments 2 - 51
Frame 6 - 15
Function objects 8 - 12
Functions 3 - 1
functions 6 - 3


Gateway 8 - 11, 8 - 12
Gateway Daemon 8 - 3
Gateway daemon 8 - 2
Generic Extension URL 7 - 55
GIF URL 7 - 40, 7 - 56
Global Options 7 - 1


Help 2 - 5, 2 - 11
HotList 6 - 4
Hotlist creation 6 - 10
Hotlists 6 - 10
hotlists 6 - 13
Hover Help 2 - 8, 2 - 14
How to Invoke the Alias Manager 2 - 57
How to Invoke the Interface 2 - 9
HTML 3 - 1, 6 - 3
HTML document, create new 2 - 16
HTML Path 7 - 41, 7 - 57
html results template 2 - 52
HTML Startup Document 7 - 26
HTML Style Directory 7 - 27
HTML URL 7 - 42, 7 - 58
HTML without templates 3 - 4


Interface Overview 2 - 2
ISAPI URL 7 - 43, 7 - 59


Java Class Code Base 7 - 28


Login Manager 2 - 63
Lookup String 6 - 3
loop 6 - 5
loop construct 6 - 5
Loops 6 - 8


Main 2 - 7
Makefile 3 - 3, 7 - 12, 7 - 14
makefile 3 - 1, 3 - 3
Makefile.$SA_APPL_LIBS 7 - 8, 7 - 11
Makefile.$SA_APPL_OB 7 - 12
Makefile.$SA_APPL_OBJS 7 - 12
Makefile.$SA_LANGUAGE 7 - 14, 7 - 15
Makefile.$SA_SOURCE_SUFFIX 7 - 16
Makefile.$SA_SYSTEM_LIBS 7 - 17
Makefile.$SA_USER_CFLAGS 7 - 18
Makefile.$SA_USER_LD_FLAGS 7 - 19
Makefile.exeSuffix 7 - 20
mark 6 - 2
Max Requests 7 - 9, 7 - 14
module name 3 - 1
Multiple Daemons 8 - 5
Multiple Databases 8 - 9
Multiple Detail Information Columns 6 - 13
multiple in table 6 - 13


Netscape Frames 1 - 22, 3 - 8
New Data Objects 2 - 27
NSAPI 7 - 44, 7 - 60
NSAPI URL 7 - 44, 7 - 60
NULL Data Objects 2 - 27
null values 2 - 39


Object Bind Editor 2 - 46- 2 - 54
Object Editor 2 - 28- 2 - 42
Object Selector 2 - 23
Object Selector in DSQL State 2 - 24
Object Selector in EXEC State 2 - 25
Object Selector in FILE State 2 - 24
Object Selector in PROC State 2 - 23
Options 1 - 21, 3 - 7, 5 - 14
Dynamic 7 - 2
Global 7 - 1
Project 7 - 2
User 7 - 1
Options Editor 2 - 70- 2 - 71
ORB Environment 8 - 3
Orb Messages Window 2 - 73
ORB_HOST 7 - 45, 7 - 61
ORB_SEED 7 - 46, 7 - 62


path, absolute 2 - 32
Population 6 - 3
Population Callback 6 - 3
Population Callback Options 2 - 53
Population Callbacks 9 - 1
adding 9 - 5
Population Callbacks in the Object Bind Editor 9 - 4
Pop-up Menus 2 - 6, 2 - 22
Porting 3 - 5
porting 3 - 5
Print Environment 5 - 14
Print Form Args 7 - 29
Printing out 3 - 4
Privileges 2 - 42
Project 5 - 14
Project Anatomy 2 - 9
Project Categories 7 - 2
Project Code Interface 2 - 61
project file 3 - 1
project option 6 - 3
Project Options 7 - 1, 7 - 2
Project Window 2 - 1- 2 - 9, 5 - 1, 10-1
Project.Allow Config File 7 - 21
Project.Allow SQL in HTML 7 - 22
Project.Default HTML Extension 7 - 25
Project.HTML Startup Document 7 - 26
Project.Print Environment 7 - 28
Project.Print Form Args 7 - 29
Project.Relocatable Project 7 - 30
Project.Verify Prompt 7 - 31
Pulldown Menus 2 - 3, 2 - 20, 2 - 34


Query string 6 - 2


rebuild 3 - 5
Rebuild All 2 - 3
rebuilding 8 - 11
Rebuilding Gateway 8 - 11
registration 3 - 1
Registration Function 3 - 1
Release Project 2 - 3
Release.CGI URL 7 - 34
Release.Database Name 7 - 35
Release.Database Server 7 - 36
Release.Database User Name 7 - 37
Release.Database User Password 7 - 38
Release.Database Vendor 7 - 39
Release.GIF URL 7 - 40
Release.HTML Path 7 - 41
Release.HTML URL 7 - 42
Release.ORB_HOST 7 - 43
Release.ORB_SEED 7 - 46
Relocatable Project 7 - 30
Results 2 - 52
Results Detail Dialog 2 - 53
Running files 8 - 12


sachmake.sh Utility 8 - 6
saedithtml 7 - 5
saedithtml.sh 7 - 5
samake.sh 7 - 5
Sapphire/Gateway 8 - 1
flow diagram 8 - 2
sareadhtml 7 - 5
sareadmodule.sh 7 - 6
sareadprj.sh 7 - 6
sarel1.sh 7 - 6
sarel2.sh 7 - 6
satest 7 - 6
satest.sh 7 - 6
saweb.sh 7 - 7
sawritehtml.sh 7 - 7
sawritemodule.sh 7 - 7
sawriteprj.sh 7 - 7
Scripts 7 - 5
Scripts, shell 3 - 3
Secure Login 7 - 31
Select HTML Style Dialog 2 - 17
Selected Activators 2 - 4, 2 - 8
Selected Documents 2 - 12
Selecting Styles 2 - 17
Setting Privileges 2 - 42
Shell scripts 3 - 3
embedded 6 - 14
Stand-alone CGIs 8 - 6


Table 1 - 21, 3 - 6
table with multiple hotlists 6 - 13
Technical Support xviii
Templates 3 - 3, 3 - 4, 6 - 3
Test Arguments Dialog 2 - 39
Test.CGI Path 7 - 47
Test.CGI URL 7 - 49
Test.Database Name 7 - 50
Test.Database Server 7 - 51
Test.Database User Name 7 - 52
Test.Database User Password 7 - 53
Test.Database Vendor 7 - 54
Test.GIF URL 7 - 55
Test.HTML Path 7 - 57
Test.HTML URL 7 - 58
Test.ORB_HOST 7 - 61
Test.ORB_SEED 7 - 62
Testing PROC and DSQL Data Objects 2 - 39
The Add Document Dialog 2 - 15
The Add New HTML Dialog 2 - 16
The Object Results Viewer 2 - 41
Timeout 7 - 10, 7 - 14
Tools 2 - 4, 2 - 21


Use Common Login 7 - 32
Use Native OS Login 7 - 33
User Options 7 - 1
Using the Default Style 2 - 16


View 2 - 20

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